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LETTERS PATENT THE STATE OF FLORIDA  To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come-=-Ereeting: Whereas, H. W. Barr, F. G. Rush, H. P. Yowell, H. 0. Overstreet, T. P. Marlow, V. W. Estes, S. Y. Hay and I. W. Phillips filed in the office of the on the eleventh day of November 1920 Secretary of State a proposed charter of a corporation to be known as ORLANDO ORANGE GROVTES COMPANY with a capital of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ($500,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of to buy and sell real estate, to do a real estate brokerage business. To plant out, manage and are for citrus grovos proportios. To own and conduot packing houses, and to do all other matters and things incident to said lines of business; and have published due notice thereof, and have otherwise complied with the Statute in such case made and provided. Therefore, the State of Florida hereby incorporates the above named persons, their associates and successors, into a body politic and corporate in deed and in law by and under the said name of and grants unto them full authority to exercise the powers and privileges of a corporation for the purpose above stated, in accordance with their said charter and the laws of this State.  In Witness Whereof, These presents have been attested with the Great Seal, and signed and countersigned by the Governor and Secretary of State of the State of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the fourth day of April, A. D. 19  CARY A. HARDEE, Governor. H. CLAY CRAWFORD, Secretary of State.

Board of Directors:

  • Thomas Picton Warlow, President
  • F. H. Thwing, Vice President
  • John Pendleton Holbrook, Secretary-Treasurer
  • Charles E. Mitchell, General Sales Manager
  • Eugene G. Duckworth, Director
  • L. H. Gedge, Director
  • H. D. Piper, Director
  • S. V. Straley, Director
  • T. M. Mink, Director
  • W. Warren, Director

Orlando Stockholders:

  • Nixon Butt
  • M. J. Daetwyler
  • G. H. Edwards
  • Charles R. Emerick
  • S. Kendrick Guernsey
  • Thomas Hopkins
  • S. Waters Howe
  • E. D. Kenyon
  • James A. Knox
  • R. E. Duckworth
  • Arthur E. Landstreet
  • John McCulloch
  • J. S. McEwan
  • Arthur McKean
  • Dewitt Miller
  • W. H. Brokaw
  • Senator M. O. Overstreet
  • I. W. Phillips
  • D. P. Sias
  • W. L. Tilden
  • S. Y. Way
  • N. P. Yowell
  • H. M. Voorhis

Other Stockholders:

  • Frank W. Pickels
  • L. M. Robertson
  • Charles G. Greeley
  • William H. Arthur
  • S. J. Campbell
  • Charles S. Bates
  • Henry M. Hale
  • James D. Cole
  • R. M. Havens
  • M. H. Thwing
  • H. J. Babcock
  • C. G. Sutliff
  • James Sutliff
  • James Fister
  • J. H. Sadler
  • B. G. Smith
  • George D. McCutcheon
  • Mrs. Kate Mahood
  • W. J. Higgins
  • L. W. Smith
  • J. R. Bahne
  • D. C. Gillett
  • James R. Rounding
  • H. W. Jenks
  • J. N. Joiner